Your Personalized Trading Plan

Create a trading plan based on who you are and your personality

Who are you as a person? Adapt your trading to your personality. Figure out what YOU need to focus on to be a profitable trader

  • What trading style
    • Are you anxious?
    • Are you impatient?
    • Is your personality fit for
      • Day-trading
      • Swing-trading
      • Long-term trading?
    • Are you a structured person?
    • Are you undisciplined?
    • Are you

Most people’s brain is neurologically not fit for day-trading. We are not mentally fit to take the pressure, take the losses and the bad trades, and not get frustrated or feel like a failure.

  • Not everyone is a good “sprinter.”
  • Not everyone is an excellent distant runner/swimmer
  • Not everyone is good ….


Everyone has their personality.

  • You cannot just take a trading system and use it. It’s probably not a good fit for you.


You have to define WHERE you are at your best and then trade in a way that feels comfortable.


It’s essential to FIRST to define your trading plan

  • A perfect trading-plan
  • Customized to YOU and your personality
  • You need to prove it through virtual trading before you use real money.
  • Stick to that ONE plan
    • It is not enough to find entry-signals or oscillators/indicators that work
  • Don’t look at what other people do. Know your stuff. Focus on yourself



  • What is my personality in life?
  • What do I need to be successful?
    1. What do I need to achieve my goals?

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