What to do when you feel overwhelmed

I Had Been Dragging My Feet For a While

It was suddenly apparent to me; This feeling of overwhelm that had crept into my life and made my days hard to get through. It was as like living in limbo, leaving me feeling empty and spaced out. It had been going on for a while. Things weren’t as easy as they used to. Everything felt more complicated and heavy. It was almost like walking in quicksand. For the last year or so, I hadn’t moved forward with the speed, ease, and excitement that I was used to.

All I wanted during these days was a quiet place where nobody could disturb me.

I Suddenly Realized…

The last drop fell. I was in my car on my way to work, and I suddenly realized; I feel overwhelmed by everything that was happening in my life

Have you experienced something similar? With all the things going on in life at the moment, maybe you are experiencing it right now.

There was gratefulness in my realization. Finally, I had a name for what had been going on and how I was feeling.  It felt good (…well, at least a little better). Because just by putting a word, a definition, to the feeling I was experiencing, gave me some of my power back. And I realized that even though I’m going through a challenging moment, it’s going to be OK. Sooner or later, everything will be OK. It made me feel an inch better.

The great thing about realizing what’s going on is that you regain power. It gives you the ability to do something about it before even realizing that what was going on. I felt stuck in the mud. Now I could move. It wasn’t much, but at least it was something.

This year has been challenging for most of us, and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed in times like these. And when you find it hard to cope, you will often revert to autopilot, just managing what life throws at you. And you don’t even realize how badly you need a break.

Tips on How to Get Out of Overwhelm

Here are a couple of tips to get out of overwhelming and into inspired action again;

One way to get out of feeling overwhelmed to go for a walk in nature. I have the woods right outside my doorstep, so I’m lucky that way; I need to remember to take a break and leave the house. And the great thing is that I always feel so much better afterward.

Out in nature, I do my best to focus on the nature around me, detaching myself from my thoughts and my worries. And to get in sync with nature; Focus on your breathing.

Another great tip to feel better while you’re out for a walk is to look far away. While you’re walking, don’t concentrate on the things you see close to you, but rather; Focus on the scenery far away. Let your eyes search for details far away. It actually helps you sort out the stuff that is going on in your head and put everything into perspective.

The Power of EFT

Another tip to get out of overwhelm is EFT Tapping. EFT is short for the Emotional Freedom Technique. Just by tapping lightly on meridian points on my face and my upper body, I can quickly feel a positive shift in my mood. The light touch on specific meridian points on your body will calm your nervous system and get you back into focus and action. I feel the emotional burden of being overwhelmed slowly lifted off my shoulders, making me feel more energized and focused. I prefer to tap and talk it out loud (read: venting) about the things that are going on in your life at that specific moment, making you feel overwhelming. Just make sure that you are in a safe place, so you don’t scare anyone by talking out loud. 😉

How Do You Deal With Overwhelm?

So, what is your way to deal with overwhelm? Perhaps you too like to go for walks, or maybe dancing to your favorite music will get you back into sync, or it could be meditation or being creative in one way or another. (Baking bread while listening to music is also a way to calm down and feel better).

Please share how you deal with overwhelm in the comments!

Because; What you do may sound easy and obvious to you, but for others, it can be just what they need to hear to get to a better place. So please share! 😊

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