String of Pearls

Yesterday, a coach-friend of mine, Tricia, took me through a great exercise. It only took 10 minutes, but it was an eye-opening experience with a shocking ending.

Tricia asked me to tell her my life story in 3 minutes. Since I’m not very good at talking about myself, it took me less than 3 minutes to finish, and I had to ramble on for the last 30 seconds.

I almost felt uncomfortable speaking about myself for such a long time (3 minutes can be a long time!). I thought that I was taking up Tricia’s time. (have you ever felt that way when you take about yourself?) But hey, it was a coaching conversation, so I was supposed to talk about myself.

So I decided to let go of that uncomfortable feeling and to play along.

Then Tricia asked me to tell my life story in 2 minutes. This time it was easier. I just had to repeat what I had just said, right? Three minutes was long the last time. Two minutes were just about right, and it felt good to tell her my story this time since I had already gone through it once.

This time, but backward

When I had finished telling my two-minute life story, Tricia asked me to do it again, but this time; Backwards. (in 3 minutes) This part of the exercise was a LOT harder.
I started with today, winding myself backward through my experiences, all the way to my childhood. This time the 3 minutes went too fast. It was hard because it wasn’t in the usual order, and I had to go through my story like a string of pearls, one at the time, like stacking them one below the other.

I thought the exercise would have been over by then, eagerly waiting for her next step.

Tricia said; So let’s finish off with one more round; this time 1 minute forward; From birth to now. By this time, I knew my story at heart but had to go through it quickly to make it all fit in one minute. I finished just on time, and I managed to put all the most essential parts of my life story into one minute.

Then Tricia asks… “How did it feel going through this exercise?”

I felt it was a challenging exercise. Not because I didn’t want to share my story, but because I realized I always try not to take up too much of other people’s time. So I don’t readily share who I am because of that.

Are you doing the same?

Staying invisible because you don’t want to take up other people’s time?

That’s something I’m going to do differently from now; I will share more freely about who I am and what I do.

Through each part of the exercise, some themes came up every time. These are the landmarks of my story that has shaped my life.

Tricia’s last question was:

If you were to assign a word, a sentence, or a mantra to what you have gained and who you have become in this life, what would you say?

Here is what came to my mind: My new mantra. My new direction of life will help me every time a challenge comes up: Everything will be alright. I capable of doing whatever I want, and I am good enough.

It was such a powerful experience; An experience that will shape my life from now on. And it all happened in just 10 minutes!

Nothing will ever be the same.
I now have my mantra.

Like beads on a string

So, today – try it out yourself.

Do this exercise with a friend, and see what comes up for you. What will your new mantra be? What is the one word or sentence that you can hold onto in difficult times?

To me, it is

ย Everything will be alright.

I am capable of doing whatever I want.
I am good enough.

So, thank you, Tricia, for taking me through this eye-opening experience.

Love You

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Monica E. Riva

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