Healthy Finances

When we think about health, we usually don’t include our finances as a part of our overall health. We have physical health, mental health, a healthy diet, a healthy way of living, healthy relationships. But do we ever think about healthy finances? Having a healthy relationship with your finances is essential to the quality of your life. Most people don’t even deal with the stress that financial problems may cause in our bodies.

Yes, worrying about your financial situation can be harmful to your health. (statistics) Stress in your body can cause health problems, and the stress level that financial worries can cause is just as high as the stress levels of the stress response in your mind, which triggers the fight-or-flight response in your body and causes stress in your body. Studies that link stress and wealth are numerous. By learning how to change how your mind responds to money worries, you can live a healthier and longer life.

There are many ways to reduce the stress response that occurs in your body due to financial worries. One of the most effective ones that I have found is attaching the problem at its roots; Figuring out the underlying problem that is causing you stress and worry.

Your perception of money today is grounded in your early childhood experiences, conflicts, and wounds. You might not remember clearly how and what happened around money in your early ages, but that is where you need to go to heal any hurt you may have hidden in your body concerning your level of income and your present and future wealth.

Try this little exercise; Think of your parents. How much money did they earn when you were a child? Now, think of yourself; How much money do you make now? If you consider inflation, you will probably see that what you earn today most likely does not exceed your parents’ earnings.

Now, why is that?

Why is it that we find it hard to exceed beyond the levels of our tribe? What is keeping us back? Why is it not “right” for you to be wealthy? It’s because we need to feel secure in our environment. We cannot diminish our parents or the rest of our community by being MORE. That is why we often find it impossible to reach the goal we set on our vision board and in our minds. In our conscious mind, we set goals and standards for what we want out of life. But our goals are not achievable, and our subconscious knows that.

It is difficult to access this part of your memory on your own, at least it was for me. I believed that my thoughts around money were healthy and based upon my current reality. What made me start questioning my money paradigms was that I never managed to excel in what I wanted to be my next level.

Consider how hard you have to work for your money? Does money flow to you quickly, effortlessly, or is there an underlying belief that causes you to always work hard for your money?

When it came to my work habits, I finally understood that they were based on my tribes and on the approval I had received while I was a teenager, trying to make enough money to study. I had three jobs at that time; I worked as a substitute teacher in the morning, packing costume jewelry in the afternoon, and working as security staff in the evening. The appreciation and acknowledgment I received from my family for my efforts felt great. That set the path for my future; My belief became I had to work hard, possibly having two or more jobs simultaneously to be appreciated. Several times over the years, I have found myself in that same situation. It was never difficult for me to find a job to add to my daily routine. But one day, I had enough, I had to say STOP – put my foot down and stop accepting bad-paying jobs to fill my morning, days, and evenings, and acknowledge the fact that this was rooted in my family paradigm of how I, as a woman, was supposed to earn my living. Strangely enough, as soon as I said STOP and decided that this was not going to go, I never received more offers for simultaneous jobs.


It’s hard to change your beliefs because they are part of who you are, and you usually don’t question them. It’s just the way things are. You don’t see it because you are looking at the world through YOUR lens, YOUR perception of what is true and what is wrong.

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