Does the “Perfect Trading System” Really Exist?

Traders need to personalize their trading system

Many traders are in search of a “Holy Grail” – a dream-system that is perfectly perfect and that will give you amazing profit every single time you use it.

But, does a system like that exist? Has someone ever invented a trading-system that fits everyone, that is so easy to use that it’s like printing money?
No, I’m sorry to break this to you, but a system like that does NOT exist, so you can stop searching right now.

I have seen all kinds of trading systems, and I must admit; I have tried many of them. But, each and every trading-system had something that wasn’t completely right, for me. There was always something that was “wrong” with the systems I got from others.

And by “wrong” I mean; The system wasn’t right for me.

  • The trading-style didn’t fit my personality.
  • The trading-mentality at the core basis of the system didn’t fit my core trading mentality.
  • Also, the time-frame used in the system was either too short or too long.
  • The Risk/Reward Tolerance wasn’t suitable to my personality and way of trading.

There was always something that didn’t completely fit ME; me as a trader, and me as a person.

So, what is a “Perfect Trading System”?

The “Perfect Trading System” us a system that works perfectly for you and who you are as a person and as a trader. And to find a system like that you need to get clear no certain critical points;

  • What time-frame do you prefer? Are you a day-trader, a swing-trader or a long-term trader?
  • Which indicators do you prefer to rely on? Do you easily see patterns in the Bollinger Bands? Is MACD easy for you to read? 
  • What is your Risk/Reward tolerance? Can you 
  • What do you really want from your trading? Is trading a way for you to add excitement to your life, or are you in the game because you are looing for profit. Are you trading more for fun and excitement rather than for extreme profit?
  • What kind of person are you? Are you a kind of “hyper” or are you extremely “Laid back” and calm as a person?

Questions to Ask Yourself

There are many pieces to the puzzle, and they all need to fit together to suit who you really are. And the easiest way to find the perfect trading system is to start getting to know yourself better. Spend time with yourself, and ask yourself these questions;

  • What do I want from my trading?
  • Furthermore, why did I start trading in the first place?
  • How much will it hurt if I lost all the money in my trading account?
  • How much can I afford to lose every day?
  • What do I like about trading? Do I like to read charts or do you love diving into fundamentals, do research?
  • What don’t I like about trading? Are the volatile markets making me nervous and itchy? Do you find long-term trades boring and unsatisfying?
  • What time-frames do I prefer? Do I want small wins daily? Do I prefer to be out of the market overnight? Am I more comfortable with long-term trades?

To Sum It Up;

The Perfect Trading System doesn’t exist. The best thing you can do is to take your time to create a system that is perfect for you, that fits your trading style, your risk-tolerance and all the different aspects of who you are as a person. 

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