We all have a few things that steal our happiness.

You might not realize it, but often the worst thieves in your life are within yourself; Your inner criticism, excuses, and complaints.

We often criticize others, either deep in our minds or open to others. We tend to excuse our laziness and complain about the behavior of people around us. This way, you paint yourself as the victim and rob yourself of positive energy.

An excellent way to rid yourself from these “Happiness Thieves” is to focus on the positive aspects of the people around you a

Try only to change what you CAN change; Don’t try to change other people. Work on your thoughts, believes, and behaviors. If you do this, you will experience that your environment also changes to the positive, because your outer life 

Try this:
Try not to make excuses, complain, blame, or criticize yourself or anyone else for ten days. Take responsibility to do something about the things yourself.

Ask yourself;

 –  What can I do to prevent this from happening again?

 –  What can I do to improve my position?

Change your thoughts from what you don’t want to what you do want.

Start TODAY!

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