How You Become a Profitable Trader

Evaluate your trades

I adapted this from a quote from my own coach (…yes, we coaches have a coach, too. That’s why we’re so good at what we do ๐Ÿ˜‰) Here is my version: Profitable trading is created by constant trial and error and evaluation. When you enter a trade, you enter with a certain expectation. We all […]

The Emotional Scale

The Emotional Scale Have you ever experienced a difficult situation that still makes you cringe when you think about it, even if years have passed since it happened? That’s a traumatic experience. Now these traumatic experiences may have a financial side to it, and that can turn into a financial trauma, that may linger in […]

The Story of Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT, or Tapping, is a great tool to have when something overwhelms you with strong, unwanted emotions. It’s a tool, right at your fingertips, that can literally calm down your nerves or your Fight-or-Flight response in an instant. The basis of EFT comes from ancient Chinese acupuncture. Chinese documents, dating as far back as 476-221 […]

Does the “Perfect Trading System” Really Exist?

Traders need to personalize their trading system

Many traders are in search of a “Holy Grail” – a dream-system that is perfectly perfect and that will give you amazing profit every single time you use it. But, does a system like that exist? Has someone ever invented a trading-system that fits everyone, that is so easy to use that it’s like printing […]

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