Like a String of Pearls..

String of Pearls

Yesterday, a coach-friend of mine, Tricia, took me through an amazing exercise. It only took 10 minutes, but it was an eye-opening experience with a very surprising ending…


We all have a few things that steal our happiness. You might not realize it, but often the worst thieves in your life are within yourself;ย Your inner criticism, excuses, and complaints. We often criticize others, either deep in our minds or open to others. We tend to excuse our laziness and complain about the behavior […]

Don’t forget!

In today’s frenetic world, a lot of us experience a lack of short-term memory. There are too many inputs, too much data that needs to be stored, and forgetfulness is often a typical result. If you one of the people that forget, I have an easy trick that might help you remember things more easily: […]

And the worst thing about turning 40 was…

What a difference a day makes. One day I was 39, the next day, I was 40. It didn’t seem much at the moment, but after a couple of weeks, when the news had had the time to sink in, I realized that time was flying by …, and I was growing “old.” You know, […]

Do You Speak Swiss?

Hi!Nice to meet you –ย  I live in Southern Switzerland, where we speak Italian.A lot of people ask me what language we speak in Switzerland. They usually ask, “Do you speak Swiss?” and I answer; No – there is no Swiss language. In Switzerland, we have four official languages – In the northern part, people […]

I Can’t or I Won’t…

We usually start out eagerly and excited when we set a new goal. But, at some point, we tend to lose interest, and we start making excuses for ourselves. Your mind and your thoughts go from “This is possible”, to “Maybe one day” and you end up thinking and saying “I can’t…” Then we start […]

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