How I Solve Problems and Confront Difficult Situations

Problems and difficult situations can sometimes feel overwhelming. That is when logic and smart thinking won’t get you the result you are looking for.
Sometimes you need more than just your brain to solve problems or confront difficult situations. Logic and being smart about it aren’t always enough. You need to access a part of your brain that isn’t readily available when you feel stressed. 

This is How I Do It

When I find myself in a difficult situation, the first thing I will do is STOP. I pause, and I start to focus on my breath. I use deliberate, thoughtful breathing to get back into the present when I find myself in a stressful or difficult situation. This conscious, thoughtful breathing helps me get things back into perspective. And it gives me space to process what is happening so that I can think focused thoughts and take adequate action.

If You Want to Try, This is How It Works…

I take a deep breath UP through my nostrils. I then hold my breath for a couple of seconds. I fill my lungs with air, and then I let the air out slowly while feeling myself slide DOWN into the space around my heart. I then hold my breath for a couple of seconds while feeling my presence swirl and circle around my heart. Then I start over; a deep breath UP through my nostrils….
Because it’s hard to solve a problem or a difficult situation when you feel stressed and unfocused. 

ONE Can Be Enough

Sometimes it’s enough with one cycle to get me back into focus. Other times I repeat the breathing cycle a couple of times.
The difference here from normal breathing (in-and-out) is that I breathe in upwards and then slide downwards into my heart space on my out-breath. This helps me reconnect with my body and regain focus and clarity.

Try it!

This is how I deal with stressful situations in my life. Try it next time you feel stressed. 🙂
Remember to check in to see how you feel after each breath. And keep on breathing slowly and deliberately until you feel totally relaxed and focused.

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Monica E. Riva

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