Why Can’t I Stick to My Trading Plan?

Your trading plan is one of the most important parts of your trading strategy. It helps you pinpoint the exact entry and exit point without hesitation. In order to remove any hesitation or doubt, it’s important that the rules of your trading plan are clear, easy to remember, and follow. Many new traders don’t bother […]

Your Emotions Can Cause Havoc to Your Trading Account

Negative emotions can cause havoc to any trading account. Any action we take is because we believe it’s the right one. When Jack decided to get into the INTC trade, he was confident that the trade would move in the right direction. He didn’t get in because he wanted to experience stress or pain, yet […]

Your Personalized Trading Plan

Create a trading plan based on who you are and your personality Who are you as a person? Adapt your trading to your personality. Figure out what YOU need to focus on to be a profitable trader What trading style Are you anxious? Are you impatient? Is your personality fit for Day-trading Swing-trading Long-term trading? […]

Understanding the Underlying Motivation to Why You Trade

When I started trading, I didn’t have a clear view of what I wanted from trading. I knew I wanted more money, but that wasn’t really a good enough reason to stay focused and disciplined. After trying and failing for several months I finally decided to get clear on what I was doing and the […]

Healthy Finances

When we think about health, we usually don’t include our finances as a part of our overall health. We have physical health, mental health, a healthy diet, a healthy way of living, healthy relationships. But do we ever think about healthy finances? Having a healthy relationship with your finances is essential to the quality of […]

The Key Element to Profitable Trading is NOT What You Think

Our Actions Are Not Rational Did you know that our actions are seldom entirely rational? And this is especially true for money, finance …and trading. Recent studies by 2017  Nobel Prize Winner in Behavioural Finance, Richard Thaler, and even your personal experience will prove that to be true. Have you ever bought something that you […]

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